Never fear, Depositions are here!

Struggling to find someone to cover your deposition?  You are not alone.  It is becoming harder and harder to find a professional to cover depositions all over the country.  The evidence is there, things are changing as described in the 2013-2014 Court Reporting Industry Outlook Report by Ducker Worldwide –  But do not fear, Weber Reporting can provide professional court reporting services for your deposition!

At Weber Reporting we provide the high quality, reliable court reporting services that you need for your next deposition.  Our offering includes a state-registered Notary Public with years of experience. We will handle:

  • Swearing in of witnesses
  • Handling of exhibits
  • Entering annotations of specific events
  • Entering keywords and proper spellings
  • Managing active participants to mitigate the potential for, as well as de-escalate, argumentative situations
  • A certified transcript in whatever turnaround time you require.
  • Access to a streaming copy of the digital recording of the deposition.

Learn more about our offering here –

Contact us to schedule your next deposition by calling (970) 405-3643, email to Valori,Or you can schedule online at Schedule a Deposition.

We look forward to hearing from you!