TheRecordXchange v1.6 Launch Notes

Introducing TheRecordXchange version 1.6

On Monday, March 20, 2017 TheRecordXchange launched several new and enhanced features.  The following provides a brief description of the changes. If you have any questions, you can always reach us through the chat feature in the lower right corner of the screen. Or, email us at

Order Listings and Order Details

Orders Grouped

The tabs for “Pending”, “Active”, and “Closed” have now been removed and replaced with a single view of all Order listings. Now you will have better control of the Orders you see on your home screen. Active Orders, regardless of the Order status, are displayed and are searchable on your home page. You can remove Orders from your listing by simply “archiving” that Order – see below.

Improved Search

Now that the status tabs have been removed, search works across all your Orders. You can search your “Active” Orders only, or both “Active” and “Archived” Orders. Simple, fast and effective.


Once you have completed work on an Order, you can now “Archive” that Order and remove it from your Active screen.  Archived orders can be displayed or hidden using the “Show / Hide Archived” button.  And, if you would like to re-Activate and Order, you can do so by simply selecting “Un-Archive”.  The “Archive” and  “Un-Archive” buttons are in the upper right corner of you Order detail view – check it out.  By default, only Active (non-Archived) orders will be displayed.

Archiving an Order only affects your view of the Order.  Other users who have access to that Order will have control over their own views and can Archive and Un-Archive as they wish.

Order Detail View

You will notice several changes to the Order detail view that will make the information easier to read and consistent.

Hearing Date Comment


When creating / editing an Order, there are now comments fields available for each hearing date.  Now you can add specific information about just that date such as what you want transcribed, the start time, the judge or appearances that day — whatever you want.

For Transcript Providers

Auto Turn Creation

When a Project is created from an order in the Storefront using the “Create Project” button, the system will now give you the option to automatically create Transcription TUrns for each hearing date listed. (see screenshot below)


When “Create Project AND Turns” is selected, the system will create the project and automatically create a turn for each hearing date.  The comments for each hearing date will then be added to the comments on each corresponding turn. (see screenshot below)


This is the perfect way to split up Orders between court reporters as needed, or assign full days to your transcribers.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime, either via chat or email,