Who types your Transcripts?

Requiring your highly qualified, extremely busy paralegal or legal secretary to take time to produce a transcript from an audio/video recording related to your case, whether an interview, phone call, or court hearing is costly to your firm. And surprisingly, the money you spent that way might not provide you with the tools you need to succeed.

This article from Legal Support World, Why Do Attorneys Nowadays Require a Litigation Support Specialist?, points out a number of reasons to outsource your litigation support needs, including transcription.

Benefits include:

• Faster service
• Established expertise
• Better utilization of staff time
• Reduced costs
• Decreased legal liability
• Improved flexibility


Using a professional transcription provider frees your paralegal or legal assistant to focus on the details of your case without the distraction of time-consuming transcribing. If you are spending the money, it must be important, so why not spend it on a certified transcript from a qualified, independent third party that you can count on to stand up in court and court pleadings.


At Weber Reporting, we provide transcription services to law firms and courts throughout the states of Oregon, Washington and Colorado. We make it easy to upload the audio/video, pay online, and have your transcript delivered on time, every time, right to your inbox, freeing up valuable time and resources.

If you’d like to know more about our services, rates, and how we can help you save time and money, email us HERE at or visit our WEBSITE to learn more about our services.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Weber Reporting
(970) 405-3643